· Sitecore Experience Manager (XM)
· Sitecore Experience Platform (XP)
· Sitecore Experience Commerce (XC)
Sitecore Basics
· Content Delivery (CD) – handles requests from visitors across channels, determines which content to serve, and renders output in the relevant format for the channel.
· Content Management (CM) – enables Content Authors to create, manage, and publish content.
· Experience Database (xDB) – the collection of services and storage roles that store and process experience data.
· xConnect – the set of services that sits between xDB and any trusted client, device, or interface that wants to collect and search experience data over HTTPS.
Sitecore Experience Manager
Sitecore Experience Manager allows you to run Sitecore XP without enabling xDB or purchasing xDB licenses. With Experience Manager, you can create, manage, and publish content to your websites.
When we need XM
· XYZ is an organization that focuses on providing information about safety rules for workers and the areas where people can surf.
· The organization is interested in a solution that allows them to create and manage their content efficiently and easily.
· XYZ is not planning to analyze the data from their website or to provide their visitors with an adaptive personalization experience.
Data Exchange Framework
The Sitecore Data Exchange Framework enables you to synchronize data to and from Sitecore and any other database or system. The data exchange and synchronization processes are highly customizable and typically defined by Developers and Administrators.
Private Session State Store
The Private Session State Store is temporary storage related to session data for active visitors, which includes metadata for active visitors and active visits for personalization. The Private Session Store can be hosted on SQL Server, Redis, Azure SQL, or Azure Redis.
Shared Session State Store
The Shared Session State Store allows for the storage of information about the current contact state and related data, including all data unique to a contact that can be shared across simultaneous sessions. This information needs to remain accessible to other concurrent operations.
Device Detection
The Device Detection role is a SaaS Cloud service that provides continuously updated information on hardware and is based on User Agent string. It has no requirements regarding solution infrastructure.
IP Geolocation
The IP Geolocation role is a web service that looks up the approximate geographic location of an IP address. The service does not handle or store personal data.
Content Publishing
The Content Publishing (Publishing Service) role publishes content from the Master database to Web database and is an optional replacement for the Sitecore publishing methods that are part of the Content Management role.
The main difference with Content Publishing, compared with the other optional components, is that as a web application, it can be scaled. This feature means that you can have multiple Content Publishing instances.
Sitecore Experience Platform
Sitecore XP contains the roles, application pools, and instances that belong to Sitecore Experience Manager, as well as xDB instances and roles (see Figure 6). Similar to Sitecore XM, Sitecore XP also can be single or scaled.
When we need XP
· A university in India has decided to open a set of new degree courses.
· The school would like to intensify its advertising among the potential students before opening the enrollment process.
· The university would like to provide a personalized experience for each of their website visitors and to show content that caters to the degree course the student is looking for.
Based on these considerations, implementing the Sitecore Experience Platform is probably the best choice for this university. Sitecore XP would allow the university to track the behavior of each individual student on the school's website and also enable adaptive personalization in real-time, providing richer digital experiences for the website’s visitors.
Sitecore Experience Commerce
Sitecore XC provides all the tools a company might need to manage its e-commerce storefront and also allows marketers and merchandisers to fully personalize the end-to-end shopping experience at all stages of a transaction. In particular, Sitecore XM consists of Commerce Business Tools, which allow you to manage all your merchandising functions, and of SXA Storefront, which is an out-of-the-box storefront solution for building B2C e-commerce solutions.