Sunday, March 17, 2019

Custom Sitecore Helpers


      Sometimes you need more functionalities and you wish you could extend the Sitecore HTML helper. I will show you two possibilities for how you can easily accomplish this.


      It's very simple and your co-developers don't even need to know if this method is a Sitecore extension or your custom code, they can simply use it the same way as it would be a Sitecore helper method.

Extension methods:

The HtmlHelper, as well as the SitecoreHelper class, are normal classes, that means you can write extension methods for it.So
If you want to extends the Sitecore HTML helper with a custom implementation, you just need to write an extension method for the SitecoreHelper class:

public static class SitecoreFieldHelper

        public  static HtmlString CustomImageField(this SitecoreHelper helper, string fieldname,
             int mh, int mw, bool disablewebEditing = false)

            return helper.Field(fieldname, new { mh, mw, DisablewebEditing = disablewebEditing });


Which you can call with:
 @Html.Sitecore().CustomImageField("Profile Theme", 200, 300, true)

Custom HtmlHelper

Extension methods have one big disadvantage: You can't override methods nor can you use protected methods of the "original" HTML helper. So another possibility is to write a custom HTML helper the same way as Sitecore does. The goal is to have something we can call like this:


Step 1:

       Here the concept is very easy. CustomMethod() is an extension method of the ASP.NET HtmlHelper and returns a new instance of our custom HTML helper, which inherits from the SitecoreHelper. First, we need the custom HTML helper with a new method:
  public class CustomHtmlHelper : SitecoreHelper
        public CustomHtmlHelper(System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper htmlHelper)
        : base(htmlHelper)
        public virtual HtmlString CreateLabel(string key, string DefaultValue)
            return new HtmlString(string.Format("<label'>{0}</label>", key));


Step 2:

Last but not least we need to write the HtmlHelper extension method to get your custom helper:

   public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
        public static CustomHtmlHelper CustomMethod(this HtmlHelper htmlhelper)
            // get the helper from current thread
            var threadData = ThreadHelper.GetThreadData<CustomHtmlHelper>();
            if (threadData != null) return threadData;

            // create new helper if needed
            var helper = new CustomHtmlHelper(htmlhelper);
            return helper;

Step 3:

       Now we are able to use it:

     @Html.CustomMethod().CreateLabel("Lable Static Text Here", "Label Name")

In theory, you are now able to "forget" the Sitecore HTML helper and always use your custom one. This would have a similar effect to your co-workers like extension methods. Because we inherit from the Sitecore HTML helper, you can also call its method over the custom class:

   @Html.CustomMethod().Field("My Field")

Happy coding !!!

Quotes Of the Day !!!

  Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.


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