Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Create and Edit Partial Designs


Step 1:

ØClick on the Partial Designs button on the SXA ribbon of the Experience Editor to view the Partial Designs or metadata of the page.

ØBy default, a page has an empty Partial Design and Metadata Partial Design assigned.

ØThe empty Partial Design contains just three blank placeholders. 

ØThe Metadata Partial Design consists of functional renderings, which contain information that is not visible on the page. 

Step 2:

ØClick the new Partial Design button that allows the user to create a Partial Design folder, Partial Design, or Metadata Partial Design. 

ØStore all the Partial Designs in the Presentation folder under the Partial Designs item. 

Step 3:

ØRename the Partial Design to "Header" and click OK.

Step 4:

There are two components in the Header: an image and navigation. For this example, create two columns and divide the width into four-by-eight for the image (logo) and navigation components respectively.

Step 5:

ØSet the container style to a dark background and save the "Header" Partial Design.

Steps for Editing Partial Designs:

It is vital to note that components that originate from Partial Designs can be edited only on the Partial Designs in the Experience Editor and not on the page that is using it. 

To edit a Partial Design from the Experience Editor:

1. Select Partial Designs on the ribbon to edit any Partial Design.

2. Make the necessary changes and save the Partial Design. 

Note that when you make edits to a Partial Design, the changes (which can include creating new pages) are updated accordingly.

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