Sunday, May 29, 2022


ØAs a superuser, you can manage all entities within your Sitecore Content Hub™ solution from the Entities page. 

ØEntities are grouped according to their entity definition. It is from this page that you manage the domain model and taxonomies. 


ØOnly experienced superusers should modify entities as changes may cause unexpected system behavior or system instability.

How to create a new Entity?

ØOn the menu bar, click Manage  

ØOn the Manage page, click Entities.

ØThis is Entity listing page

Entity definitions

ØEntity definitions allow you to create a data schema, also known as a domain model.

ØThe entity definitions contain properties on their own and sub-definitions in property definitions and relation definitions. Property and relation definitions define potential properties (type, names, and so on) and possible relations between two entities (cardinality, name, and so on).

ØEntity definitions store the property and relation definitions (members) in one or more member groups.

Relation diagram

Tree view 

ØFor a visual overview of how entity definitions are related, from the Manage menu, go to the Entities page, click  and switch to Tree view .

ØView of Demo.Arul  is mapped with M.Asset.

ØView of M.Asset type

Entities list

ØClicking on an entity displays the Entity list.

ØIn the following example, the M.Asset entity list is opened and shows all the asset entities.

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