Friday, September 3, 2021

Goals Implementation

 Create and Publish a Goal

ØInsert new goals

ØPublish the item

Associate a goal with a media item

ØOn the Sitecore Launchpad, open the Media Library.

ØClick Save and Publish.

How to check the goal whether is it triggered or not?

ØGoing to page and download the configured file from site.

ØAgain, I navigate to Experience analytics. I couldn’t see any data there.

ØThen, I got to know As per the documentation "xDB data is not committed until after the user's session ends".

ØAfter closing the sessions I go to EX analytics

How to check Contact who triggered the goal?

ØWe can follow the same way for assigning goals to pageitem.

Trigger goals when submitting forms

ØCreate new goal item

ØGoal name : Submit form

ØCreate a new form

ØAssign this with submit button

ØPublish the form item in content editor

ØAssign forms to your page

ØI try to submit form after submitting we can see the goals in Experience analytics.


Steps to follow when using a PowerShell script to modify the goals in Sitecore

I have previously utilized PowerShell for item creation, modification, deletion, and presentation details in Sitecore.   Ø Recently, I attem...